function sofie_uncertainties,pat ;- Read the SOFIE uncertainty file: 'sofie_uncertainties.txt', ; which currently contains total errors (random + systematic). ; The input variable 'pat' is the location of this file. file = pat + '/sofie_uncertainties.txt' openr,lu,file,/get_lun head = ' ' for i = 1,4 do readf,lu,head d = fltarr(8,11) readf,lu,d close,lu & free_lun,lu ;- return a structure s = create_struct($ 'z', reform( d(0,*) ), $ ; altitude scale 't', reform( d(1,*) ), $ ; T uncertainty (K), same for sunrise & sunset 'co2', reform( d(2,*) ), $ ; CO2 uncertainty (%) " 'h2o', reform( d(3,*) ), $ ; H2O uncertainty (%) " 'o3', reform( d(4,*) ), $ ; O3 uncertainty (%) " 'ch4', reform( d(5,*) ), $ ; CH4 uncertainty (%) " 'no_r', reform( d(6,*) ), $ ; sunrise NO uncertainty (%) 'no_s', reform( d(7,*) ) ) ; sunset NO uncertainty (%) return,s end